Word Analogy MCQs

Word Analogy MCQs
Word Analogy MCQs
In analogy, we have to find the relationship between given words and to select the best option related to the given word. Practice Questions Abomination : Abhorrence ∷ Dance : Jump Wail : Weep Ripe : Eat Write : Read Abrupt : Gradual ∷ Barren : Fertile Reverse : Backward Motion : Forward Agile : Calm Abrupt : Sudden ∷ Dearth : Plenty Accident : Mishap Pacify : Provoke Eminent : Notorious Acoustic : Sound ∷ Mathematics : Geometry Radio : Song Communication : Phone Pathology : Disease Advocate : Law ∷ Cook : ? Kitchen Vegetable Dining table Recipes Aerie : Eagle ∷ Capital : Government Bridge : Architect Unit : Apartment Kennel : Veterinarian House : Person Answer: (e) Eagle lives in a aerie and a person lives in a house. After : Before ∷ First : Second Present : Past Contemporary : Historic Successor : Predecessor Agenda : Meeting ∷ Programme : Function Performance : Ticket Map : Scale Footnote : Article Agreement : Dissent ∷ Touchdown : Penalty Latitude : Resistance - Schism : Diverge Impasse : Concede Always : Never ∷  [CMAT 2…

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