Word Analogy MCQs

Word Analogy MCQs

In analogy, we have to find the relationship between given words and to select the best option related to the given word.

Practice Questions

Abomination : Abhorrence ∷

  1. Dance : Jump
  2. Wail : Weep
  3. Ripe : Eat
  4. Write : Read

Abrupt : Gradual ∷

  1. Barren : Fertile
  2. Reverse : Backward
  3. Motion : Forward
  4. Agile : Calm

Abrupt : Sudden ∷

  1. Dearth : Plenty
  2. Accident : Mishap
  3. Pacify : Provoke
  4. Eminent : Notorious

Acoustic : Sound ∷

  1. Mathematics : Geometry
  2. Radio : Song
  3. Communication : Phone
  4. Pathology : Disease

Advocate : Law ∷ Cook : ?

  1. Kitchen
  2. Vegetable
  3. Dining table
  4. Recipes

Aerie : Eagle ∷

  1. Capital : Government
  2. Bridge : Architect
  3. Unit : Apartment
  4. Kennel : Veterinarian
  5. House : Person

Answer: (e) Eagle lives in a aerie and a person lives in a house.

After : Before ∷

  1. First : Second
  2. Present : Past
  3. Contemporary : Historic
  4. Successor : Predecessor

Agenda : Meeting ∷

  1. Programme : Function
  2. Performance : Ticket
  3. Map : Scale
  4. Footnote : Article

Agreement : Dissent ∷

  1. Touchdown : Penalty
  2. Latitude : Resistance -
  3. Schism : Diverge
  4. Impasse : Concede

Always : Never ∷  [CMAT 2016, 2017]

  1. Occasionally : Repeatedly
  2. Often : Rarely -
  3. Words : Author
  4. Humid : Hot

Ampere : Current ∷

  1. Sound : Waves
  2. Speed : Time
  3. Distance : Kilometer
  4. Ohm : Resistance -

Anaemia : Blood ∷ Anarchy : ?

  1. Disorder
  2. Monarchy
  3. Government
  4. Lawlessness

Answer: (c) The lack of blood is called Anaemia. The absence of government is called anarchy.

Animal : Menagerie ∷

  1. Painting : Museum -
  2. Flowers : Pot
  3. Milk : Glass
  4. Grapes : Bunch

Animal : Zoology ∷

  1. Body : Physiology -
  2. Disease : Bacteriology
  3. Poems : Anthology
  4. Man : Philanthropy

Aphorism : Sententious ∷

  1. Maxim : Allegorical
  2. Adage : Symbolic
  3. Eulogy : Laudatory -
  4. Criticism : Redundant

Apostate : Religion ∷

  1. Teacher : Education
  2. Traitor : Country
  3. Potentate : Kingdom
  4. Jailer : Law

Answer: (b) Apostate is someone who betray or renounces their religion. In the same way, a traitor is someone who betray their country.

Appointment : Ability ∷

  1. Transfer : Punishment
  2. Business : Money
  3. Promotion : Merit -
  4. Examination : Success

Arc : Circle ∷

  1. Segment : Line -
  2. Fraction : Percentage
  3. Pie : Slice
  4. Number : Count

Architect : Building ∷ Sculptor : ?

  1. Museum
  2. Stone
  3. Chisel
  4. Statue

Answer: (d) Architect makes building and sculptor makes statue.

Arena : Conflict ∷

  1. Utopia : Place
  2. Asylum : Pursuit
  3. Mirage : Reality
  4. Forum : Discussion -

Army : Logistics ∷

  1. School : Students
  2. War : Logic
  3. Team : Individual
  4. Business : Strategy -

Army : Soldiers ∷ Galaxy : ?

  1. Star -
  2. Meteor
  3. Universe
  4. Planet

Artist is to painting as senator is to

  1. Attorney
  2. Law
  3. Politician
  4. Constituents

Answer: (b) Artist makes painting and senator makes law.

Artist : Troupe ∷

  1. Market : Crowd
  2. Flowers : Garland
  3. Singer : Chorus -
  4. Fishes : Pond

Ashes : Fire ∷

  1. Water : Ice
  2. Flower : Bud -
  3. Disgust : Expectation
  4. Moon : Sun

Aspirin : Headache ∷

  1. Amoeba : Dysentery
  2. Acid : Burns
  3. Quinine : Malaria -
  4. Iron : Anaemia

Ass : Bray ∷

  1. Flies : Squeak
  2. Hen : Mew
  3. Fox : Snout
  4. Sheep : Bleat -

Auger : Carpenter ∷

  1. Cement : Mason
  2. Awl : Cobbler -
  3. Apron : Chef
  4. Steam : Seamstress

Authenticity : Apocryphal ∷

  1. Integrity : Hypocritical -
  2. Assertiveness : Dogmatic
  3. Artifice : Deceptive
  4. Wickedness : Nefarious

Autumn : Wither

  1. Season : Change
  2. Spring : Flower -
  3. Winter : Retreat
  4. Fall : Digress

Beauty : Ugliness ∷ Adversity : ?

  1. Misery
  2. Cowardice
  3. Happiness
  4. Prosperity

Answer: (c) Ugliness is the opposite of beauty and happiness is the opposite of adversity.

Bee : Hive ∷ [CMAT 2017]

  1. People : Meeting
  2. River : Stream
  3. Mouse : Hole
  4. Fry : Cook

Answer: (c) Bee lives in hive and mouse lives in hole.

Binding : Book ∷

  1. Criminal : Gang
  2. Display : Museum
  3. Artist : Carpenter
  4. Nail : Hammer
  5. Frame : Picture -

Biratnagar : Morang ∷ [CMAT 2015]

  1. Kathmandu : Nepal
  2. Butwal : Bhairahawa
  3. Birgunj : Parsa -
  4. Bharatpur : Ratnanagar

Book : Publisher ∷ Film : ?

  1. Writer
  2. Editor
  3. Director
  4. Producer

Answer: (c) Book is published by publisher. Film is directed by director.

Border : Country ∷ [CMAT 2015]

  1. Pen : Cap
  2. Book : Cover
  3. Frame : Picture
  4. Handle : Shade

Answer: (c) The boundary of country is border and the boundary of picture is frame.

Botany : Plants

  1. Ornithology : Eggs
  2. Oncology : Fossils
  3. Pathology : Man
  4. Entomology : Insects

Answer: (d) Botany is the study of plants and Entomology is the study of insects.

Boxer : Boxing ∷

  1. Teacher : Student
  2. Thief : Crime -
  3. Air : Waiter
  4. Shoes : Socks

Bread is to Bakery as Brick is to

  1. Mint
  2. Kiln
  3. Furnace
  4. Mine

Answer: (b) Breads are baked in bakery and bricks are baked in kiln.

Bristle : Brush ∷

  1. Arm : Leg
  2. Stage : Curtain
  3. Recline : Chair
  4. Key : Piano
  5. Art : Sculpture

Answer: (d) A bristle is a part of a brush and a key is a part of piano.

Bus : Driver [CMAT 2019]

  1. Cook : Kitchen
  2. Class : Student
  3. War : Soldier
  4. Machine : Operator

Answer: (d) Bus is run by driver and machine is run by operator.

Calligraphy : Writing ∷

  1. Music : Song
  2. Lyric : Poem -
  3. Drama : Prose
  4. Chapter : Stanza

Camera : Lens ∷ Flash : ?

  1. Bulb
  2. Night
  3. Light
  4. Shutter

Answer: (a) Camera contains a lens and flash contains bulb.

Candid is to indirect as honest is to

  1. Frank
  2. Wicked
  3. Truthful
  4. Untruthful

Answer: (d) Candid and indirect are opposite traits. In the same way, honest and untruthful are also opposite traits.

Car : Garage ∷ Airplane : ?

  1. Runway
  2. Hangar -
  3. Terminal
  4. Sky

Carbon : Diamond ∷ Corundum : ?

  1. Garnet
  2. Ruby
  3. Pukhraj
  4. Pearl

Answer: (b) Diamond is a transparent precious stone of pure carbon. Corundum is equivalent to ruby.

Careful is to cautious as boastful is to

  1. Arrogant
  2. Humble
  3. Joyful
  4. Suspicious

Answer: (a) Careful and cautious are synonyms. In the same way, boastful and arrogant are also synonyms.

Caste : Class ∷ Appointed : ? [CMAT 2012]

  1. Status
  2. Achieved
  3. Job -
  4. Employment

Chalk : Blackboard ∷ [CMAT 2015]

  1. Type : Point
  2. Table : Chair
  3. Door : Handle
  4. Ink : Paper

Answer: (d) Chalk is used to write on blackboard and ink is used to write on paper.

Chef is to Restaurant as Druggist is to

  1. Medicine
  2. Pharmacy -
  3. Store
  4. Chemist

Cheque is to withdraw money as the check to [CMAT 2024]

  1. Deposit
  2. Balance
  3. Inquiry
  4. Inspect -

Chimney : Smoke ∷

  1. Gun : Bullet
  2. House : Roof
  3. Clay : Ceramics
  4. Tea : Kettle

Answer: (a) Smoke is emitted through chimney. Bullet is fired from gun.

Chocolate : Sugar ∷

  1. Egg : Yolk
  2. Road : Traffic
  3. Building : Cement -
  4. Milk : Cream

Cigarette : Tobacco ∷

  1. Coffee : Caffeine
  2. Milk : Bottle
  3. Cigar : Filter
  4. Shoes : Socks

Circle : Circumference ∷ Square : ? [CMAT 2018]

  1. Area
  2. Angle
  3. Perimeter
  4. Triangles

Answer: (c) The boundary of circle is called circumference and the boundary of square is called perimeter.

Circle : Diameter ∷

  1. Rectangle : Diagonal -
  2. Diameter : Radius
  3. Square : Rectangle
  4. Bisector : Angle

Clock : Time ∷ Thermometer: ?

  1. Heat
  2. Radiation
  3. Energy
  4. Temperature -

Cobbler : Shoe ∷

  1. Jockey : Horse
  2. Contractor : Building -
  3. Mason : Stone
  4. Cowboy : Boot
  5. Potter : Paint

Compass is to find direction as odometer is to find [CMAT 2024]

  1. Speed
  2. Hiking
  3. Mileage -
  4. Temperature

Conductor : Orchestra ∷

  1. Jockey : Mount
  2. Thrasher : Hay
  3. Driver : Tractor
  4. Skipper : Crew
  5. Painter : House

Answer: (d) A conductor leads an orchestra and a skipper leads a crew.

Conviction : Incarceration ∷

  1. Reduction : Diminution
  2. Induction : Amelioration
  3. Radicalization : Estimation
  4. Marginalization : Intimidation
  5. Proliferation : Alliteration

Answer: (a) Conviction results in incarceration and reduction results in diminution.

Cotton :  Bale ∷

  1. Butter : Churn
  2. Wine : Ferment
  3. Grain : Shock -
  4. Curd : Cheese
  5. Beef : Steak

Cricket : Pitch ∷

  1. Ship : Dock
  2. Boxing : Ring
  3. Boat : Harbour
  4. Wrestling : Track

Answer: (b) Cricket is played on pitch and Boxing is played in ring.

Cube is related to square in the same way square is related to

  1. Triangle
  2. Plane
  3. Line -
  4. Point

Cup is to tea as bowl is to [CMAT 2023]

  1. Dish
  2. Soup
  3. Spoon
  4. Food

Answer: (b) Tea goes into a cup and soup goes into a bowl.

More questions are yet to come. Please stay tuned with us.

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