Word Analogy MCQs [Exercise 3]

Word Analogy MCQs

Genuine : Authentic ∷ Mirage : ?

  1. Illusion
  2. Image
  3. Hideout
  4. Reflection

Answer: (a) Genuine and authentic are synonyms. In the same way, mirage and illusion are also synonyms.

Girl : Beautiful ∷ Gold : ?

  1. Valuable
  2. Bright
  3. Ornament
  4. Ring

Answer: (b) Girl is beautiful and gold is bright.

Gland : Enzyme ∷

  1. Brain : Cortex
  2. Generator : Current
  3. Organ : Kidney
  4. Muscle : Spasm

Answer: (b) A gland produces enzyme and a generator produces current.

Glossary : Words ∷

  1. Thesaurus : Rhyme
  2. Atlas : Map
  3. Catalogue : Dates
  4. Lexicon : Words

Good : Bad ∷ Roof : ?

  1. Walls
  2. Pillars
  3. Floor
  4. Window

Answer: (c) Good and bad are antonyms. In the same way, roof and floor are also antonyms.

Grain : Stock ∷ Stick :

  1. String
  2. Heap
  3. Collection
  4. Bundle

Answer: (d) The collection of grain is called stock and the collection of stick is called bundle.

Guide is to direct as reduce is to

  1. Decrease
  2. Maintain
  3. Increase
  4. Preserve

Answer: (a) Guide and direct are synonyms. In the same way, reduce and decrease are also synonyms.

Horse : Jockey ∷ Car : ?

  1. Mechanic
  2. Chauffeur
  3. Steering
  4. Brake

Answer: (b) Horse is driven by jockey and a car is driven by chauffeur.

Horse : Mare ∷

  1. Fox : Vixen
  2. Duck : Geese
  3. Dog : Puppy
  4. Donkey : Pony

Answer: (a) Mare is the female of horse and vixen is the female of fox.

Hour : Second ∷ Tertiary : ?

  1. Ordinary
  2. Secondary
  3. Primary
  4. Intermediary

Answer: (c) The smallest form of hour is second. Primary is the smallest stage of tertiary.

House : Rent ∷ Capital : ?

  1. Interest
  2. Investment
  3. Country
  4. Money

Answer: (a) Rent can be obtained from house and interest can be obtained from capital.

House : Room ∷ World : ?

  1. Land
  2. Sun
  3. Air
  4. Nation

Answer: (d) Room is a part of house and nation is a part of world.

Ice : Coldness ∷ Earth : ?

  1. Weight
  2. Gravitation
  3. Jungle
  4. Sea

Answer: (b) Coldness is the inherent property of ice. Gravitation is the property of earth.

Indolence : Beaver ∷

  1. Elegance : Peacock
  2. Ferocity : Lamb
  3. Passivity : Cow
  4. Joviality : Hyena

Answer: (a) Beaver is known for its indolence and Peacock is known for its elegance.

Influenza : Virus ∷ Typhoid : ?

  1. Bacillus
  2. Parasite
  3. Protozoa
  4. Bacteria

Answer: (d) Influenza is caused by viruses whereas Typhoid is caused by bacteria.

Ink : Paper ∷ [CMAT 2016, 2017]

  1. Door : Handle
  2. Dog : Tail
  3. Chalk : Blackboard
  4. Speak : Sing

Answer: (c) Ink is used to write on paper and chalk is used to write on blackboard.

Ink : Pen ∷ Blood : ?

  1. Accident
  2. Doctor
  3. Vein
  4. Donation

Answer: (c) Pen is filled with ink and vein is filled with blood.

Insect : Disease :: War : ?

  1. Army
  2. Defeat
  3. Arsenal
  4. Destruction

Answer: (d) Disease is the result of insects and Destruction is the result of war.

Interest : Obsession ∷

  1. Mood : Feeling
  2. Weeping : Sadness
  3. Dream : Fantasy
  4. Plan : Negation
  5. Highlight : Indication

Answer: (c) Obsession is a greater degree of interest and fantasy is a greater degree of dream.


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