Word Analogy MCQs [Exercise 3]

Word Analogy MCQs
Word Analogy MCQs [Exercise 3]
Genuine : Authentic ∷ Mirage : ? Illusion Image Hideout Reflection Answer: (a) Genuine and authentic are synonyms. In the same way, mirage and illusion are also synonyms. Girl : Beautiful ∷ Gold : ? Valuable Bright Ornament Ring Answer: (b) Girl is beautiful and gold is bright. Gland : Enzyme ∷ Brain : Cortex Generator : Current Organ : Kidney Muscle : Spasm Answer: (b) A gland produces enzyme and a generator produces current. Glossary : Words ∷ Thesaurus : Rhyme Atlas : Map Catalogue : Dates Lexicon : Words Good : Bad ∷ Roof : ? Walls Pillars Floor Window Answer: (c) Good and bad are antonyms. In the same way, roof and floor are also antonyms. Grain : Stock ∷ Stick : String Heap Collection Bundle Answer: (d) The collection of grain is called stock and the collection of stick is called bundle. Guide is to direct as reduce is to Decrease Maintain Increase Preserve Answer: (a) Guide and direct are synonyms. In the same way, reduce and decrease are also synonyms. Horse : Jockey ∷ Car : ? Mechanic Chauffeur …

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