Sentence Completion MCQs

Sentence Completion MCQs

As the bridge gave way the traffic was ..... [CMAT 2002]

  1. held
  2. held up -
  3. held down
  4. held in

Before one ..... one should make an attempt to discover the artist’s purpose. [CMAT 2003]

  1. assigns
  2. purchase
  3. deliberates
  4. criticizes -

By ....., we will have found a new house.

  1. then -
  2. now
  3. here
  4. there

    Dear Mary, this is the first time ..... you a letter.

    1. that I had written
    2. of writing
    3. I am writing -
    4. for me write

    Do you know that ice cream has about ..... calories as three glasses of milk.

    1. so many
    2. as many
    3. so much
    4. as much -

    During their holidays, my kids cause a lot of ..... at home as we find it difficult to look after them. [CMAT 2024]

    1. good deeds
    2. fun
    3. trouble -
    4. adventure

    Everybody ..... .

    1. has been amazed by her performance.
    2. has been amazed at her performance yesterday.
    3. has been amazed at her performance. -
    4. have been amazed at her performance.

    Grapes ..... in tropical climates.

    1. don't grow -
    2. is not growing
    3. doesn't grow
    4. did not grew

    ..... his friends are tired. [CMAT 2002]

    1. Neither he nor
    2. Not only he but also
    3. Either he or
    4. He as well as -

      He bought new shoes last month but they are already ..... out.

      1. knocked
      2. given
      3. worn -
      4. gone

      He has been very lonely since ..... .

      1. his wife died -
      2. many years
      3. long time
      4. his dead wife

      He has been very ..... since his wife died.

      1. lonely -
      2. single
      3. sole
      4. only
      5. unique

      He is a man of ..... words.

      1. more
      2. much
      3. few -
      4. little

      He is in the habit of finding ..... everyone. [CMAT 2002]

      1. fault in
      2. faults in
      3. faults with -
      4. fault with

      He is a very ..... player. He practices for two hours every morning.

      1. amateur
      2. excited
      3. keen -
      4. impatient
      5. anxious

      He …… to us for half an hour. [CMAT 2003]

      1. said
      2. spoke -
      3. talked
      4. told

      He will travel from ..... tomorrow night.

      1. there -
      2. now
      3. below
      4. above

      ..... about his problem, Susan wrote Tom a letter.

      1. Heard
      2. To hear
      3. Hearing -
      4. To be heard

      His ..... attitude is the root cause of most of his problems.

      1. inflexible -
      2. positive
      3. innovative
      4. incapable

      How long ..... since we last met?

      1. has it been -
      2. will it be
      3. it will have been
      4. it will be

      ..... languages does she speak?

      1. How much
      2. How many -
      3. How old
      4. How come

      I am sure the clerk is preparing ..... . [CMAT 2013]

      1. arrear bill
      2. the arrear bill
      3. arrears bill
      4. the arrears bill

      I don't know how I'd have got ..... it without your support.

      1. through -
      2. over
      3. Either of these
      4. None of these

      I ..... my homework when my mother came home.

      1. already did
      2. have already done
      3. already do
      4. has already done
      5. had already done -

      I have read one novel by Premchand. I want to read ..... novel by him.

      1. other
      2. another -
      3. all
      4. few

      I saw her just ..... day.

      1. another
      2. other
      3. the other -
      4. the another

      If I ...... , I would have helped you.

      1. Was him
      2. Was he
      3. Were he
      4. Were him

      If only ..... .

      1. she revised the entire chapter yesterday.
      2. she revises the entire chapter today.
      3. she had revised the entire chapter yesterday. -
      4. she had revised the entire chapter today.

      In order to control and defeat the dreadful diseases that plague humanity, ..... activity is necessary. [CMAT 2003]

      1. constant
      2. full
      3. concerted
      4. vital

      In spite of our best efforts, we failed to ..... any new facts from him.

      1. elicit
      2. evoke
      3. eject
      4. enlist

      Men ..... to abolish wars up to now, but maybe they will find a way in the future. [CMAT 2024]

      1. never managed
      2. have never managed -
      3. will have never managed
      4. None of these

      My aunt's cupboard is full of ..... such as the old coins, jewelry and other handicrafts of bygone days. [CMAT 2024]

      1. goods
      2. antics -
      3. tits and bits
      4. products

      My little brother is very clever. ..... .

      1. Neither is mine
      2. So is mine. -
      3. Mine is either.
      4. My is too.

      I've bought ..... a new Audi.

      1. we
      2. myself -
      3. herself
      4. yourself

      It depends on ..... on time. [CMAT 2002]

      1. they coming
      2. them coming -
      3. their coming
      4. them to come

      It is not fair to cast ...... on honest and innocent person.

      1. aspiration
      2. aspersions
      3. inspiration
      4. adulation

      It is too difficult ....... [CMAT 2013]

      1. Problem for me
      2. Problem to me
      3. A Problem for me
      4. The problem to me

      Jivan's grandfather's house is full of ...... technology such as rotary-dial phones and other devices that are no longer in use. [CMAT 2023]

      1. prehistoric
      2. obsolete -
      3. current
      4. advanced

      Lord Buddha ....... his kinship and became a hermit.

      1. abolished
      2. abated
      3. abdicated
      4. abandoned

      Mounting unemployment is the most serious and ...... problem faced by Nepal today.

      1. intractable
      2. unattainable
      3. profound
      4. dubious

      My younger brother constantly misbehaves and is always causing ..... [CMAT 2023]

      1. generosity
      2. violence
      3. courtesy
      4. mischief -

      Neither the minister of home affairs nor the police ..... .

      1. is interested to buy local equipments.
      2. are interested to buy local equipment. -
      3. has displayed interest to buy local equipments.
      4. have display interest to buy local equipment.

      ..... Tom nor his wife has a cold.

      1. Neither -
      2. Nor
      3. Either
      4. Or

      On my breakup, my emotions were so complicated that it was ..... how I felt.

      1. unreasonable
      2. impossible
      3. intolerable
      4. unimaginable

      Parle is a ..... company.

      1. confectionery -
      2. garment
      3. medicine
      4. furniture

      She bought a new ..... for the party.

      1. clothes
      2. vest
      3. wear
      4. clothing
      5. dress -

      She ..... speaks no foreign languages.

      1. don't
      2. is not
      3. doesn't
      4. none of the above -

      Since bonded labor is inhuman act, I would like to see the government ..... the system of bonded labor from the nation. [CMAT 2024]

      1. abolish -
      2. manage
      3. administer
      4. govern

      Since ..... have you started liking baseball?

      1. then
      2. when -
      3. now
      4. whether

      The battalion operating from the mountain was able to ..... three enemy divisions.

      1. tie up
      2. tie down -
      3. tie on
      4. tie with

      The ..... chimneys are the major source of air pollution.

      1. factory -
      2. company
      3. shop
      4. mill

      The ...... document was destroyed by him. [CMAT 2003]

      1. factious
      2. facetious
      3. factitious
      4. fictitious -

      The firm decided to ..... which means they don't want us.

      1. resize
      2. downsize -
      3. upsize
      4. None of these

      The governor thinks the tax is a good one and would like to see it continue, but his opponent wants to ........ it. [CMAT 2023]

      1. abolish
      2. amend -
      3. modify
      4. enact

      The movie offended many of the parents of its younger viewers by including unnecessary ..... in the dialogue.

      1. vulgarity -
      2. verbosity
      3. vocalizations
      4. garishness
      5. tonality

      The noise is coming from ..... .

      1. now
      2. then
      3. when
      4. below -

      The scientist made a ..... discovery for which he was honored.

      1. sensual
      2. sensuous
      3. sentimental
      4. sensational -

        The students are not prepared ...... the examination.

        1. to give
        2. to listen
        3. to work
        4. to take -

        The teacher has found two students of her class to have ....... their assignments, so she is going to penalize them with lesser grades.

        1. translated
        2. multiplied
        3. duplicated -
        4. plagiarized

        The unruly behaviour of the soldiers ..... their commander.

        1. clashed
        2. incensed
        3. tempered
        4. aggrieved

        They had better ..... . They are becoming weaker and weaker day by day.

        1. stop smoking
        2. stopped smoking
        3. stopping to smoke
        4. to stop smoking

        This legend has been .... from father to son.

        1. handed out
        2. handed down
        3. handed over
        4. handed

        This spinach omelet makes for ..... breakfast; it has the vegetables and protein needed for a healthy diet. [CMAT 2023]

        1. a delicious
        2. a filling
        3. an edible
        4. a nutritious

        Tom, ..... no foreign languages, can't find a good job.

        1. speaking
        2. spoke
        3. speaks
        4. is speaking

        Two of my friends have ..... first division in their final exam. [CMAT 2024]

        1. received
        2. acquired
        3. won
        4. scored

        Unlike elders, children always ..... their small fights.

        1. made up
        2. make up
        3. making up
        4. makes up

        We never ..... what we are ashamed of. [CMAT 2003]

        1. acknowledge
        2. confess
        3. admit
        4. avow

        We will have some important visitors here tomorrow. ..... .

        1. I'd appreciate it if you could dress professionally.
        2. I'd appreciate it if you can dress professionally.
        3. I'll appreciate it if you could dress professionally.
        4. I'll appreciate it if you can dress professionally.

        When I came in my mother ..... dinner.

        1. have cooked
        2. cooked
        3. were cooking
        4. will cook
        5. was cooking

        When the teacher asked Ravi a question, he gave her a blank ..... .

        1. peek
        2. gaze
        3. stare
        4. glare

        More questions will come soon.

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