Prepositions MCQs [Exercise 1]

Prepositions MCQs

1. A huge crowd turned ..... to see the football match.

  1. for
  2. at
  3. up
  4. along

2. A mixture of Quinine, Basil leaves and Neem extract is effective preventive ..... malaria. [CMAT 2005]

  1. against
  2. about
  3. of
  4. on

3. A pen is different ..... a pencil.

  1. than
  2. from
  3. and
  4. with

4. All my advice could not dissuade him ..... the foolish attempt. [CMAT 2004]

  1. upon
  2. with
  3. from -
  4. over

5. All of us should abide ..... the laws of our country.

  1. on
  2. to
  3. in
  4. by -

6. America supplies India ..... arms.

  1. with -
  2. for
  3. to
  4. against

7. Are you still ..... the same address? [CMAT 2018]

  1. in
  2. at -
  3. on
  4. up

8. Aspiration ..... the people have remained on fulfill in spite of much progress through planning. [CMAT 2002]

  1. by
  2. of -
  3. in
  4. for

9. At the hospital, ram was mistaken ..... a doctor. [CMAT 2005, 2009]

  1. upon
  2. over
  3. on
  4. for -

10. Beggar begged money ..... me. [CMAT 2003]

  1. to
  2. from -
  3. by
  4. with

11. Can you guess ..... the moral of the story? [CMAT 2006]

  1. on
  2. upon
  3. at -
  4. over

12. Children are the delight ..... the house.

  1. for
  2. of -
  3. to
  4. with

13. Could you hold ..... a minute? I'll be right back.

  1. up
  2. on -
  3. on to
  4. in

14. Do you know the reason ..... his absence.

  1. on
  2. of
  3. for -
  4. None of these

15. Eggs are sold ..... the dozen.

  1. at
  2. to
  3. by -
  4. in

16. Go ..... home early.

  1. at
  2. in
  3. by
  4. None -

17. Go ..... these stairs until you reach the top floor. [CMAT 2016, 2017]

  1. through -
  2. in
  3. up
  4. on

18. He always jumps ..... the conclusion.

  1. on
  2. to -
  3. with
  4. in

19. He always stops his car at this stop ..... 5:30 p.m.

  1. on
  2. in
  3. to
  4. at -

20. He comes ..... 3 o'clock.

  1. in
  2. by
  3. at -
  4. to

21. He died ..... AIDS.

  1. of
  2. off
  3. from
  4. by

22. He hinted ..... some loss of treasure.

  1. of
  2. for
  3. with
  4. at

23. He is an amateur ..... stenography.

  1. for
  2. in -
  3. to
  4. of

24. He is born ..... rich parents.

  1. for
  2. of -
  3. from
  4. by

25. He is greedy ..... money and property.

  1. of
  2. by
  3. to
  4. with

26. He is never late. He always comes ..... times. [CMAT 2016]

  1. at
  2. for
  3. to
  4. on -

    27. He's very good ..... telling jokes. [CMAT 2017]

    1. in
    2. at -
    3. about
    4. for

    28. He reminds me ..... his old history teacher. [CMAT 2017]

    1. for
    2. to
    3. of -
    4. about

      29. He was angry ..... me.

      1. in
      2. of
      3. to
      4. with

      30. He was astonished ..... his failure.

      1. with
      2. for
      3. in
      4. at -

      31. He was prohibited ..... doing this work.

      1. by
      2. to
      3. of
      4. from -

      32. Her test was ..... average.

      1. at
      2. of
      3. under -
      4. on

      33. He/She stayed in bed ..... lunch time. [CMAT 2019]

      1. by
      2. for
      3. until -
      4. on

      34. I am going to canada ..... the summer. [CMAT 2018]

      1. on
      2. for
      3. from
      4. in -

      35. I am ready to say this ..... her face.

      1. at
      2. on -
      3. in
      4. for

      36. I am tired ..... poverty.

      1. with
      2. of -
      3. for
      4. from

      37. I bade farewell ..... my colleague.

      1. for
      2. to -
      3. with
      4. of

      38. I continued to smile ..... his threats.

      1. at -
      2. on
      3. over
      4. upon

      39. I hope you will excuse me for encroaching ..... your valuable time. [CMAT 2006]

      1. upon -
      2. with
      3. over
      4. at

      40. I trust him completely. His conduct is ..... suspicion.

      1. over
      2. under
      3. below
      4. above -

      41. I waited for you ..... hours.

      1. since
      2. for -
      3. ago
      4. in

      42. I was not in when you phoned. I was ..... my sister's house.

      1. at -
      2. in
      3. on
      4. with

      43. I'll phone you ..... about 3:00.

      1. by
      2. at -
      3. in
      4. on

      44. I'll see you ..... Sunday.

      1. after
      2. in
      3. on -
      4. at

      45. If you repent ..... your sins, god will forgive you. [CMAT 2005, 2009]

      1. for
      2. about
      3. of -
      4. on

      46. In case ..... need, phone 015195568. [CMAT 2019]

      1. of -
      2. to
      3. on
      4. with

        47. Initially, progress may be slow but never give ..... a child who isn't reading.

        1. out of
        2. up at
        3. over
        4. up on -

        48. It is cold ..... January.

        1. on
        2. at
        3. in -
        4. of

        49. It is vain to calculate ..... an uncertain result. [CMAT 2006]

        1. upon
        2. over
        3. for -
        4. into

        50. Jagadish always listens to music ..... the way to work. [CMAT 2016]

        1. in
        2. by
        3. on -
        4. for

        51. Jagdish had no servant to attend ..... him. [CMAT 2003]

        1. upon
        2. over
        3. with
        4. to -

        52. Just walk ..... the station and look for a temple. [CMAT 2019]

        1. with
        2. past -
        3. across
        4. along

        53. Lalita was stopped by the police for driving ..... 55 mph. [CMAT 2016, 2017]

        1. at -
        2. for
        3. to
        4. on

        54. Lying by the side of the road, we saw the wheel ..... a car. [CMAT 2018]

        1. in
        2. on
        3. from
        4. of -

        55. My best friend, Ramesh, is named ..... his grandfather. [CMAT 2016]

        1. for
        2. after -
        3. to
        4. about

          56. Newspaper is effective media ..... public opinion in democratic country. [CMAT 2002]

          1. for -
          2. of
          3. to
          4. into

          57. No one has control ..... his tongue.

          1. for
          2. to
          3. on -
          4. with

          58. Our flat is ..... the second floor of the building.

          1. in
          2. by
          3. at
          4. on -

            59. Places of honor and confidence are free ..... all. [CMAT 2006]

            1. for -
            2. among
            3. with
            4. to

            60. Plants absorb moisture ..... the air. [CMAT 2006]

            1. for
            2. in
            3. from -
            4. to

            61. Ram is dismissed ..... service.

            1. for
            2. from -
            3. of
            4. to

            62. Reema's marriage ..... Rakesh was the culmination of the stormy affair. [CMAT 2005]

            1. with -
            2. to
            3. between
            4. against

            63. Sameer offered her an apology ..... his misbehaviour.

            1. for -
            2. on
            3. upon
            4. of

            64. She always looks ..... herself in the mirror. [CMAT 2017]

            1. on
            2. in
            3. right
            4. at -

            65. She's been like that ..... her childhood. [CMAT 2018]

            1. from -
            2. of
            3. on
            4. for

            66. She has not read anything ..... Monday.

            1. for
            2. since -
            3. from
            4. over

            67. She is accustomed ..... doing work under any type of circumstances.

            1. in
            2. with
            3. of
            4. to -

            68. She praised his obedience ..... his father.

            1. with
            2. to -
            3. from
            4. of

            69. She shuddered ..... the dreadful sight.

            1. on
            2. over
            3. at -
            4. by

            70. She was conscious ..... her weakness.

            1. in
            2. for
            3. of -
            4. by

            71. Shyam, kept talking to Jaya oblivious ..... the fact that he was in library and not the common room. [CMAT 2005, 2009]

            1. of -
            2. to
            3. with
            4. about

            72. Some politicians are very sensitive ..... criticism.

            1. at
            2. on
            3. of -
            4. through

            73. That man is found guilty ..... theft.

            1. of -
            2. with
            3. to
            4. from

            74. The bottle of Plassey was fought ..... the Indian rulers and the English. [CMAT 2004]

            1. for
            2. with
            3. among
            4. between -

            75. The calculator is ..... the table.

            1. at
            2. in
            3. on -
            4. upon

            76. The citizens must not murmur ..... new taxes. [CMAT 2004, 2009]

            1. over
            2. upon
            3. against -
            4. with

            77. The father was concerned ..... the safety of her daughter.

            1. for
            2. at
            3. about -
            4. on

            78. The girls didn't want to spend a long time ..... the carnival.

            1. at -
            2. until
            3. among
            4. during

            79. The old man is honest ..... word and deed. [CMAT 2003]

            1. to
            2. in
            3. upon
            4. for

            80. The patient is afflicted ..... cough. [CMAT 2003]

            1. from
            2. by
            3. in
            4. with

            81. The rich man has no affection ..... the poor. [CMAT 2003]

            1. to
            2. upon
            3. with
            4. for

            82. The student yielded ..... the pressures from their parents. [CMAT 2004]

            1. to
            2. over
            3. with
            4. against

            83. They arrived ..... a taxi.

            1. in
            2. on
            3. by
            4. with

            84. This is in conformity ..... the rules laid down by the corporation.

            1. for
            2. against
            3. about
            4. with

            85. This item has been included ..... the agenda of the meeting. [CMAT 2002]

            1. into
            2. in
            3. on
            4. with

            86. This remark is not ..... your favor. [CMAT 2002]

            1. to
            2. for
            3. in
            4. of

            87. We are accustomed ..... doing hard work.

            1. of
            2. in
            3. with
            4. to

            88. We have no prejudice ..... foreigners. [CMAT 2019]

            1. towards
            2. to
            3. with
            4. against

            89. We went ..... the room and sat down ..... soft cushions.

            1. to, in
            2. from, upon
            3. into, on
            4. in, in

            90. What do you infer ..... this boy's hesitating behavior? [CMAT 2004, 2009]

            1. from
            2. for
            3. with
            4. against

            91. When his father died, Hira took ..... the business.

            1. over
            2. above
            3. in
            4. from

            92. Why should they not rebel ..... their persecutors?

            1. on
            2. against
            3. about
            4. over

            93. Will you play ..... me ..... a while?

            1. with, for
            2. for, in
            3. for, within
            4. against, over

            94. You don't need to get upset ..... these little things.

            1. for
            2. about
            3. off
            4. of

            95. You will find it difficult ..... but later you will get used to wearing a mask.

            1. at first
            2. on first
            3. firstly
            4. at the first

            96. Your teacher is not satisfied ..... your study.

            1. with
            2. from
            3. at
            4. in

            97. Your team played a match ..... the young men’s. [CMAT 2002]

            1. by
            2. on
            3. to
            4. against

            98. ..... behalf to the staff, Kumar read the address. [CMAT 2019]

            1. In
            2. To
            3. On
            4. With

            99. ..... whom were you talking?

            1. At
            2. To
            3. With
            4. By

            100. ...... you and me, I think his marriage is in trouble. [CMAT 2018]

            1. in
            2. across
            3. for
            4. between


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