Passage Completion

Passage Completion

Direction: Select the best words or phrase which correctly fills the blanks. [CMAT 2002]

For successful education their must always be certain freshness in the knowledge …16… it must either be new in itself or it must be invented with some …17… of application to the new world of new time. You may be dealing with the knowledge of the world species. With some old truth: but some how or other it must come to the students as it were …18… of the sea with the freshness of its immediate importance. It is the research worker that keeps knowledge …19… and saves it from fossilization. He discovers things so far lying obscure and …20… fresh light on things already discovered. Thus the researcher worker is at the same time observer, a discoverer, and inventor. These are the three activities that keep the intellect of a nation alive and progressive.

16. (a) dealt in (b) dealt out (c) dealt with (d) dealt

17. (a) newness (b) novelty (c) nicety (d) strain

18. (a) just drawn out (b) drawn out just (c) drawn just out (d) out just drawn 

19. (a) ever new (b) ever fresh (c) ever novel (d) novel

20. a. brings (b) throws (c) bestows (d) puts

Directions: Select the best word, which correctly fills the blanks. [CMAT 2003]

Most people spend ...16... of time and money buying their toothpaste, but buy the first toothbrush they can find. It ...17... more attention than that, say dentists. The brush ...18... the less glamorous partner in your dental kit, but it is the more ...19... one. It does something that the best toothpaste ...20... do alone.

16. (a) enough (b) part (c) most (d) plenty

17. (a) needs (b) demands (c) deserves (d) command

18. (a) may be (b) is (c) has to be (d) need to be

19. (a) frequent (b) vital (c) relevant (d) common

20. (a) need not (b) should not (c) may not (d) cannot

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