International Organizations MCQs

International Organizations MCQs

Currently BIMSTEC has .... members.

  1. 7 -
  2. 11
  3. 13
  4. 17

Food and Agriculture Organization is located in

  1. Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Rome, Italy -
  3. Bern, Switzerland
  4. Paris, France

Food and Agriculture Organization was established in

  1. 1919 AD
  2. 1945 AD -
  3. 1947 AD
  4. 1977 AD

Headquarters of New Development Bank (BRICS Bank) is located in [CMAT 2024]

  1. Shanghai -
  2. Beijing
  3. Dubai
  4. Manila

Headquarters of UNO is situated at

  1. New York, USA -
  2. Hague, Netherlands
  3. Geneva, Switzerland
  4. Paris, France

How many articles are there in the SAARC charter?

  1. 7
  2. 9
  3. 10 -
  4. 12

How many state members are there in UNO?

  1. 190
  2. 191
  3. 192
  4. 193 -

International Court of Justice was established in

  1. 1940 AD
  2. 1945 AD -
  3. 1950 AD
  4. 1955 AD

The current chairperson of SAARC is from [CMAT 2012]

  1. Nepal -
  2. India
  3. Maldives
  4. Sri Lanka

The number of permanent members of the UN Security Council is

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5 -
  4. 6

What is SAFTA?

  1. A sport promotion organization in South Asia
  2. A brand of detergent
  3. An arrangement for promotion of liberalized trade policy -
  4. A kind of computer software

Where is the headquarter of International Court of Justice? [CMAT 2017]

  1. Washington DC
  2. London
  3. Hague, Netherlands -
  4. Berlin

Which is the first nation to use veto in the UN Security Council?

  1. USA
  2. Britain -
  3. Russia
  4. China

Which of the following is not a component of World bank?

  1. MIGA
  2. ICSID
  3. IBRD
  4. IFD -

Who is the current secretary general of UNO?

  1. Antonio Guterres -
  2. Ban Ki-moon
  3. U Thant
  4. Kofi Annan

WTO became operational since

  1. 1st January 1993
  2. 1st January 1994
  3. 1st January 1995 -
  4. 1st January 1996


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