Synonyms MCQs [Exercise 1]

Synonyms MCQs

Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

1. Abase

  1. Low
  2. Peaceful
  3. Humble
  4. Cruel

2. Abash

  1. Acquit
  2. Confuse
  3. Blush
  4. Condemn

3. Abet

  1. Force
  2. Discourage
  3. Assist
  4. Neglect

4. Abject

  1. Challenge
  2. Miserable
  3. Deny
  4. Disobey

5. Abridge

  1. Desire
  2. To condense
  3. Graceful
  4. Disconnect

6. Absolute

  1. Reasonable
  2. Narrow
  3. Limitless
  4. Reliable

7. Abstain

  1. Influence
  2. Refrain
  3. Retain
  4. Retard

8. Accomplice

  1. Friend
  2. Abetter
  3. Criminal
  4. Thief

9. Accord

  1. Failure
  2. Agreement
  3. Difference
  4. Disagreement

    10. Acumen

    1. Beauty
    2. Appearance
    3. Insight
    4. Distaste

    11. Acute

    1. Rice
    2. Accidental
    3. Severe
    4. Curious

    12. Adversity

    1. Failure
    2. Helplessness
    3. Misfortune
    4. Crisis

    13. Affect [CMAT 2024]

    1. Effect
    2. Inspire
    3. Damage
    4. Influence

    14. Afraid

    1. Weak
    2. Frightened
    3. Sorry
    4. Strong

    15. Alert [CMAT 2016]

    1. Energetic
    2. Observant
    3. Intelligent
    4. Watchful

    16. Alien [CMAT 2002]

    1. Citizen
    2. Native
    3. Accustomed
    4. Stranger

    17. Allegiance

    1. Disaffection
    2. Satisfactory
    3. Loyalty
    4. Enmity

    18. Amicable

    1. Poisonous
    2. Friendly
    3. Satisfying
    4. Heartening

    19. Analogy [CMAT 2002]

    1. Affinity
    2. Disagreement
    3. Incongruity
    4. Disproportion

    20. Answer

    1. Reply
    2. Question
    3. Interrogation
    4. Return

    21. Antique

    1. Old fashioned
    2. Rare
    3. Modern
    4. Unique

    22. Anxiety

    1. Worry
    2. Comfort
    3. Faith
    4. Reassurance

    23. Applaud

    1. Request
    2. Praise
    3. Pray
    4. Flatter

    24. Attempt

    1. Serve
    2. Explore
    3. Try
    4. Explain

    25. Augury

    1. Prophecy
    2. Astronomy
    3. Intention
    4. Future

    26. August [CMAT 2015, 2016, 2017]

    1. Common
    2. Ridiculous
    3. Dignified
    4. Petty

    27. Benediction [CMAT 2010]

    1. Denunciation
    2. Marriage
    3. Original
    4. Blessing

    28. Brief [CMAT 2016, 2019]

    1. Limited
    2. Small
    3. Little
    4. Short

    29. Boisterous [CMAT 2023]

    1. Nervous
    2. Noisy
    3. Organized
    4. Quiet

    30. Busy

    1. Active
    2. Occupied
    3. Preoccupied
    4. Diligent

    31. Canny

    1. Obstinate
    2. Handsome
    3. Clever
    4. Stout

    32. Catastrophe [CMAT 2002]

    1. Disaster
    2. Boon
    3. Favour
    4. Blessing

    33. Chide [CMAT 2023]

    1. Compliment
    2. Reward
    3. Punish
    4. Criticize

    34. Chronological [CMAT 2024]

    1. Regular
    2. Old
    3. Familiar
    4. Following the order

    35. Combat [CMAT 2022]

    1. Conflict
    2. Quarrel
    3. Feud
    4. Fight

    36. Concise [CMAT 2023]

    1. Heavy
    2. Wordy
    3. Brief
    4. Dense

    37. Consequences

    1. Results
    2. Conclusions
    3. Difficulties
    4. Applications

    38. Corroborate [CMAT 2004]

    1. Reduce
    2. Contrive
    3. Confirm
    4. Conform

    39. Deplorable [CMAT 2011]

    1. Barren
    2. Laudatory
    3. Acceptable
    4. Regrettable

    40. Detonate [CMAT 2010]

    1. Stalemate
    2. Hinder
    3. Cylinder
    4. To explode

    41. Dexterity [CMAT 2010]

    1. Proficiency
    2. Simplicity
    3. Cunningness
    4. Devotion

    42. Distant

    1. Far
    2. Removed
    3. Reserved
    4. Separate

    43. Distinction [CMAT 2022]

    1. Diffusion
    2. Disagreement
    3. Different
    4. Degree

    44. Docile [CMAT 2002]

    1. Determined
    2. Submissive
    3. Inflexible
    4. Stranger

    45. Dwindle [CMAT 2004, 2014]

    1. Lessen
    2. Lesson
    3. Lumpen
    4. Ditch

    46. Embezzle

    1. Misappropriate
    2. Balance
    3. Remunerate
    4. Clear

    47. Eradication

    1. Removal
    2. Destruction
    3. Evaporation
    4. Starvation

    48. Error [CMAT 2021]

    1. Misadventure
    2. Misgiving
    3. Ambiguity
    4. Blunder

    49. Euphoria [CMAT 2010]

    1. Witty
    2. Loss of speech
    3. State of pleasant excitement
    4. Tempt

    50. Equivocal [CMAT 2002]

    1. Indisputable
    2. Manifest
    3. Indeterminate
    4. Unquestionable

    51. Fake [CMAT 2019]

    1. Original
    2. Imitation
    3. Trustworthy
    4. Loyal

    52. Fallacious [CMAT 2010]

    1. Flimsy
    2. Spiteful
    3. Bleak
    4. Misleading

    53. Foray

    1. Maraud
    2. Contest
    3. Ranger
    4. Intuition

    54. Foster [CMAT 2004]

    1. Encourage
    2. Rear
    3. Nourish
    4. Promote

    55. Graphics

    1. Squarish
    2. Geometrical
    3. Pictorial
    4. Mathematical

    56. Hesitated [CMAT 2016, 2017]

    1. Stopped
    2. Paused
    3. Slowed
    4. Postponed

    57. Impromptu

    1. Offhand
    2. Unimportant
    3. Unreal
    4. Effective

    58. Improvement

    1. Advancement
    2. Betterment
    3. Promotion
    4. Preference

    59. Impulsive

    1. Excavate
    2. Inconsistent
    3. Flexible
    4. Motionless

    60. Inebriate

    1. Dreamy
    2. Stupefied
    3. Unsteady
    4. Drunken

    61. Inevitable [CMAT 2023]

    1. Scheduled
    2. Fated
    3. Unintended
    4. Avoidable

    62. Ironic

    1. Inflexible
    2. Bitter
    3. Good-natured
    4. Disguisedly sarcastic

    63. Lopsided [CMAT 2004]

    1. Tickled
    2. Ugly
    3. Smart
    4. Unbalanced

    64. Massive [CMAT 2020]

    1. Lump sum
    2. Strong
    3. Gaping
    4. Huge

    65. Masterly [CMAT 2021, 2022]

    1. Crafty
    2. Skillful
    3. Meaningful
    4. Cruel

    66. Moderate [CMAT 2011]

    1. Not easy
    2. Non-history
    3. Non-starter
    4. Not extreme

    67. Moving

    1. Taking
    2. Toying
    3. Shifting
    4. Turning

    68. Novice [CMAT 2023]

    1. Beginner
    2. Expert
    3. Amateur
    4. Competitor

    69. Nuisance [CMAT 2018]

    1. Inconvenience
    2. Nonsense
    3. Blessing
    4. Unreasonable

    70. Offend

    1. Annoy
    2. Assuage
    3. Aid
    4. Assist

    71. Opportune

    1. Rarely
    2. Likely
    3. Timely
    4. Barely

    72. Ovation [CMAT 2004]

    1. Reception
    2. Applause
    3. Egg-like
    4. Revision

    73. Parsimony

    1. Generosity
    2. Frugality
    3. Readiness
    4. Bounty

    74. Plump [CMAT 2012]

    1. Thin
    2. Fat
    3. Chubby
    4. Vector

    75. Propel [CMAT 2020]

    1. Drive
    2. Jettison
    3. Burst
    4. Modify

    76. Proprietor [CMAT 2018]

    1. Lifter
    2. Owner
    3. Dealer
    4. Falconer

    77. Quota [CMAT 2012, 2019]

    1. Quotation
    2. Quote
    3. Limited number
    4. Unlimited quantity

    78. Rabble

    1. Mob
    2. Noise
    3. Roar
    4. Rubbish

    79. Reckless

    1. Courageous
    2. Rash
    3. Bold
    4. Daring

    80. Refectory [CMAT 2021, 2022]

    1. Restaurant
    2. Parlour
    3. Living Room
    4. Dining Room

    81. Rescue [CMAT 2016, 2019]

    1. Help
    2. Command
    3. Defense
    4. Safety

    82. Shallow

    1. Artificial
    2. Superficial
    3. Foolish
    4. Worthless

    83. Simulate [CMAT 2017]

    1. Imitate
    2. Excite
    3. Trick
    4. Apelike

    84. Stringent

    1. Dry
    2. Strained
    3. Rigorous
    4. Shrill

    85. Stumbling Block [CMAT 2020]

    1. Argument
    2. Frustration
    3. Advantage
    4. Hurdle

    86. Taciturnity

    1. Dumbness
    2. Changeable ness
    3. Hesitation
    4. Reserve

    87. Tantrum [CMAT 2018]

    1. Child
    2. Temper
    3. Frenzy
    4. Pampered

    88. Tepid [CMAT 2021]

    1. Hot
    2. Warm
    3. Cold
    4. Boiling

    89. Timid

    1. Fast
    2. Slow
    3. Medium
    4. Shy

    90. Tranquil

    1. Holy
    2. Calm
    3. On top
    4. Sinking

    91. Ulterior

    1. Revealed
    2. Implied
    3. Extreme
    4. Decisive

    92. Unison [CMAT 2012]

    1. Union
    2. Complete
    3. Care
    4. Universal

    93. Unite [CMAT 2021, 2022]

    1. Unfold
    2. Unchain
    3. Combine
    4. Unhinge

    94. Vent

    1. Opening
    2. Stodge
    3. End
    4. Past tense of go

    95. Verate

    1. Scold
    2. Judge
    3. Downgrade
    4. Deny

    96. Visualize [CMAT 2012, 2018 BBM, 2019]

    1. To see future
    2. Vision
    3. Void
    4. Vector

    97. Volatile [CMAT 2018]

    1. Dissolved
    2. Harmonious
    3. Unpredictable
    4. Disfigured

    98. Warrior

    1. Soldier
    2. Sailor
    3. Pirate
    4. Spy

    99. Yield [CMAT 2018]

    1. Demolish
    2. Produce
    3. Partnership
    4. Surplus

    100. Zany

    1. Clown
    2. Pet
    3. Thief
    4. Magician

    Please visit exercise 2 for next exercise of synonyms.

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