Mixed Coding - Coding and Decoding MCQs

Mixed Coding - Coding and Decoding MCQs
Mixed Coding - Coding and Decoding MCQs
Type 1 - Letter Coding Type 2 - Number Coding Type 3 - Mixed Coding (You're here) Type 4 - Symbol Coding Type 5 - Substitution Coding Mixed Coding In a certain code language, pit nae tom means apple is green; nae ho tap means green and white and ho tom ka means shirt is white. Which of the following represents apple on that language? nae tom pit - ho ka If nitco sco tingo stands for softer than flower; tingo rho mst stands for sweet flower fragrance and mst sco tmp stands for sweet than smile, what does fragrance stand for? rho - mst tmp sco In a certain code nee tim see means 'how are you' and ble nee see means 'where are you'. What will be the code for where? nee tim - see Cannot be determined None of these Mixed Number Coding In a certain code, 743 means 'mangoes are good', 657 means 'eat good food' and 934 means 'mangoes are ripe'. Which digit means 'ripe' in that language? 5 4 9 - 7 Cannot be determined In a certain language, 134 means …

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