History of Nepal GK Notes

History of Nepal GK Notes
History of Nepal GK Notes
First person to write history of Nepal is William Kirkpatrick. He wrote a book "An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal" on 1811 AD. First Nepali to write history of Nepal is Ambika Prasad Upadhyay. She wrote a book "History of Nepal and History of Ramnagar" on 1979 BS. Ancient period starting date is unknown but ending date is 936 BS. Ancient period contains Gopal Dynasty, Mahispal Dynasty, Kirat Dynasty, Lichhavi Dynasty, Som Dynasty, Thakuri Dynasty, Surya Dynasty and Karnatak Dynasty. Medieval period started from 936 BS and ended on 1825 BS. There was only one dynasty in this period which was Malla Dynasty. Gopal Dynasty The first king of Gopal dynasty was Bhuktaman and the last king was Yaksha Gupta. The capital of Gopal dynasty was Mata Tirtha. Their main occupation was cow husbandry. There were a total of 8 kings in Gopal dynasty and they ruled for 521 years. The name of the kings of Gopal dynasty is Bhuktaman, Jaya Gupta, Dharma …

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