History of Nepal GK Notes

History of Nepal GK Notes

First person to write history of Nepal is William Kirkpatrick. He wrote a book "An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal" on 1811 AD.

First Nepali to write history of Nepal is Ambika Prasad Upadhyay. She wrote a book "History of Nepal and History of Ramnagar" on 1979 BS.

Ancient period starting date is unknown but ending date is 936 BS. Ancient period contains Gopal Dynasty, Mahispal Dynasty, Kirat Dynasty, Lichhavi Dynasty, Som Dynasty, Thakuri Dynasty, Surya Dynasty and Karnatak Dynasty.

Medieval period started from 936 BS and ended on 1825 BS. There was only one dynasty in this period which was Malla Dynasty.

Gopal Dynasty

The first king of Gopal dynasty was Bhuktaman and the last king was Yaksha Gupta. The capital of Gopal dynasty was Mata Tirtha. Their main occupation was cow husbandry.

There were a total of 8 kings in Gopal dynasty and they ruled for 521 years. The name of the kings of Gopal dynasty is Bhuktaman, Jaya Gupta, Dharma Gupta, Harsha Gupta, Bhim Gupta, Mani Gupta, Bishnu Gupta and Yaksha Gupta.

Yaksha Gupta had no heir to continue their rule so the throne was given to Mahispal Dynasty.

Mahispal (Ahir/Abhir) Dynasty

The first king of Mahispal dynasty is War Singh and the last king is Bhuwan Singh. Their capital was also Mata Tirtha. Their main occupation was buffalo husbandry.

There were only 3 kings in Mahispal dynasty who ruled for 111 years. The name of their kings are War Singh, Jay Singh and Bhuwan Singh.

Kirat Dynasty

Kirat dynasty started to rule from 1500 BC (Before Christ). The first king of Kirat dynasty was Yalambar and the last king was Gasti. There were a total kings 29 kings in Kirat dynasty who ruled for 1118 years.

The sixth kirat king was Humati Hang fought against Kaurava in Mahabharata.

The seventh Kirat King was Jitedasti Hang when Gautam Buddha came to Nepal.

The 14th Kirat King was Sthunko Hang when Samrat Ashoka came to Nepal. Samrat Ashoka is considered as the first tourist of Nepal. Then Ashoka Pillar was built which is of 41.5 ft. The daughter of Ashoka was Charumati who was married to Devpal.

Lichhavi Dynasty

Licchavi's came to Nepal from Vaishali, Muzaffarpur, India. They started to rule from 300 BC. The first king of Lichhavi dynasty was Jaydev First and the last king was Jay Kamdev. They ruled for 800 years.

During Lichhavi period, the tax imposed on animal farming was called Bhogkar and the tax imposed on agricultural product was called Bhagkar.

King Mandev (Lichhavi King)

King Mandev is also known as the first historically proved king of Nepal. The first wife of King Mandev was Bhogini. The father of King Mandev was Dharmadev. The son of King Mandev was Mahidev. King Mandev ruled for 41 years i.e. 521 BS to 562 BS.

Some contributions of King Mandev are as follows:

  1. He started his currency called Manank.
  2. King Mandev made Changunarayan Temple located in Bhaktapur.
  3. King Mandev started human settlement in Gokarna.
  4. King Mandev was first to start stone inscription (Shila lekh).
  5. King Mandev made Managriha.
  6. King Mandev started the practice of worshipping Naag and Basuki.

Amshuverma (Lichhavi King)

  1. Sister of Amshuverma - Bhogdevi (Married in India)
  2. Daughter of Amshuverma - Bhrikuti (Green Star) (Married to Tibetian king Songtsen Gampo)
  3. He followed Hindu and Buddha religion.
  4. Total ruling period - 16 years (662 BS to 678 BS)
  5. He died in 678 BS.
  6. He was the first one to possess the title of 'Maharajdhiraj'.
  7. He made Kailashkut Bhawan which is located in Devpatan, Near Pashupatinath.
  8. He made first dictionary.
  9. He made his own coin Baishnav.
  10. He started human civilization in Balambu.
  11. Anshuverma ruling period is also called golden period of Lichhavi.

Narendra Dev (Lichhavi King)

  1. He started first Jatra of Nepal - Rato Machindranath Jatra.
  2. He also started Bhote Jatra.
  3. He built Bhadradiwas.

Gunakaam Dev (Lichhavi King)

  1. He built Kantipur by using 1 lakh gold coins.
  2. He introduced Kumari Jatra, Indra Jatra, Lakhe Jatra, Krishna Jatra, Hile Jatra, ShringaBheri Jatra.

Prachanda Dev (Lichhavi King)

  1. He built Pashupatinath Temple.
  2. He is also known as 'Shanti Shree'.

Malla Dynasty

Sankhadhar Sakhwa paid all the loans of the workers and hence Malla Dynasty or Medieval period of Nepal started.

  1. Malla Dynasty was started from 936 BS.
  2. They came to Nepal from Kushinagar of India.
  3. Nepal Sambat was introduced by king Ragdev.
  4. First king of Malla Dynasty - Ari Malla
  5. Last king of Malla Dynasty - Yaksha Malla

Avaya Malla (Malla King)

  1. He died in earthquake.
  2. Nepal was divided into Baise and Chaubise Rajyas.

Jayastithi Malla (Malla King)

  1. He is known as Reformer king (Samaj Sudharak Raja).
  2. He married to Rajalla Devi.
  3. Caste system was introduced.
  4. He started financial punishment for criminals.

Yaksha Malla (Malla King)

  1. He is the last king of united Kathmandu Valley.
  2. He is known as Nepal Mandaleshwor.
  3. He made a rule that priest of Pashupatinath Temple will be always from Maharashtra (Bhatta Pujari).
  4. Kathmandu valley was divided into Kantipur, Patan and Bhadgaon. He gave these places to his son Ratna Malla, Rana Malla and Raaya Malla.

Kantipur (Kathmandu)

First king of Kantipur is Ratna Malla and Last king of Kantipur is Jaya Prakash Malla.

Mahendra Malla (Kantipur King)

  1. He introduced silver coin.
  2. He built Taleju Bhawani Mandir which opens only in the occasion of Ram Nawmi.

Laxmi Narsingh Malla (Kantipur King)

  1. He is the father of Pratap Malla.
  2. He is known as Mad King.
  3. He built Kasthamandap in Pagoda style.

Pratap Malla (Kantipur King)

  1. He introduced Gaijatra.
  2. He established Dakshinkali.
  3. He introduced Seto Machindranath Jatra.
  4. He built Rani Pokhari.
  5. He is also known as Kabindra Raja.
  6. He is also Newari Poet.
  7. He knew 15 different languages.

Jaya Prakash Malla (Kantipur King)

  1. He is the last king of Kantipur.
  2. He introduced world smallest coin i.e. Java coin.
  3. He is also known as silver king.
  4. He begged for umbrella and shoes of Prithvi Narayan Shah as his last wish.

Patan (Lalitpur)

First king of Patan is Rana Malla and Last king of Patan is Tej Narsingh Malla.

Siddhi Narsingh Malla (Patan King)

He built Krishna Mandir in Shikhar style which contains 21 Gajur.

Yog Narendra Malla (Patan King)

  1. 31 queens went to Sati during his reign.
  2. He is also known as living king of Nepal.

Rajya Prakash Malla (Patan King)

He was killed by taking both of his eyes.

Tej Narsingh Malla (Patan King)

He is the last king of Patan.

Bhadgaon (Bhaktapur)

Raaya Malla is the first king and Ranajit Malla was the last king of Bhadgaon.

Jaga Jyoti Malla (Bhadgaon King)

He introduced Bisket Jatra.

Jagat Prakash Malla (Bhadgaon King)

He reconstructed the Royal Palace of Bhaktapur and constructed the Temple of Bhavani-Sankara at the Western Part of the Palace.

Bhupatindra Malla (Bhadgaon King)

  1. He built 55 windowed Durbar (Palace) of Bhaktapur.
  2. He built Nyatapole Temple of 141 feet which is the tallest temple of Nepal.

Ranajit Malla (Bhadgaon King)

  1. Last king of Bhadgaon.
  2. Friend father of Prithvi Narayan Shah.

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